To celebrate its 45th anniversary, VICTOR, the Taiwan-based badminton brand, launched its “2013 READY TO WIN brand thematic TVC” featuring five of the world’s best professional badminton players, Korea’s Lee Yong Dae and Ko Sung Hyun, world champions from Indonesia, Tontowi Ahmad and Liliyana Natsir, and Taiwanese talent Tai Tzu Ying. The commercial is released worldwide on October 18.
Virtual Roman colosseum VS Film studio
The scene is set in a virtual Colosseum, where the five badminton stars demonstrate their signature shots and emotions, replicating the spirit of the ancient Roman gladiators. This 30-second “READY TO WIN” film portrays athletes’ desire to win, as they’re willing to sacrifice to achieve victories. It is presented in comical brush to add to the dynamics. “READY TO WIN” is one of the core values of VICTOR.
Not just a perfect player, but also a professional actor. - Lee Yong Dae
Approachable player - Ko Sung Hyun
Lee Yong Dae, the Korean TV star and world number one doubles player, is no stranger to the camera. Lee carefully studied the “motion board” before he showcased his beautiful hands on the defense and a winning fist-pump with intensity and style, all done in just a few shots. It took his teammate Ko Sung Hyun a longer time when Ko was asked to play on a turn table, in creating an revolving motion and a sense of speed the opening would need.
Tai Tzu Ying had a good time.
Tai Tzu Ying's smash broke a hole!
Tai Tzu Ying's hair is one of the important elements in this video.
Tai Tzu Ying was having the best fun on set with all familiar faces surrounding, showing her smorgasbord of shots to the director’s liking. The whole film set went full of laughter at one point when Tai accidentally hit through a reflector board with a shuttle smash. “It was definitely the best of the day. Tai has such a contagious personality that just lights up the set and the film,” Director Ji recalled.
Watch the director demo first, and then...
It’s not with the same ease for the Indonesians, though. Tontowi Ahmad appeared before the shoot slightly nervous, but he finally pulled off a diving shot scene that went on to be the most visually stunning of all. Ahmad’s effort in challenging his physical abilities despite a knee pain and in making the film as the best as it could be earned him a deserved applause from the film crew when he left the set as he smiled and nodded in return.
Tontowi Ahmad has a strong work ethic
In the shooting for print ads, standing side by side with Ahmad was his mixed doubles partner Liliyana Natsir. The combo stormed through the field in the All England Championships this year and successfully defended their title, and in August clinched their first victory as a pair in the World Championships. As dominant on the court as they are, however, the discomfort in front of the camera had made Natsir look at Ahmad more like an enemy rather than partner. “I wanted to transform that level of fierceness into the fire of winning,” said Director Ji. “Funny how it really worked and turned out to be a great close-up scene towards the ending showing Natsir’s presence on the court and her winning desire.”
Liliyana Natsir is discussing with the crew
Liliyana's smash
Check the screen immediately
Catching Liliyana's quick step is a hard work
“The gladiator spirit runs in the blood. Fighting to the end despite all the risks is the one and only way for true greatness. Are you ready to win? (They are READY TO WIN: Lee Yong Dae, Ko Sung Hyun, Tontowi Ahmad, Liliyana Natsir, and Tai Tzu Ying.)” Watch it on VICTOR’s web site or Youtube channel at !