How can muscular endurance suitable for badminton be increased?
After introducing Muscular Training—Basic Concepts, we know that endurance can be divided into LIEE and HIEE. How to train to build up the HIEE needed to play badminton? Below are two important points that should be remembered !
Meeting the specific requirements of badminton
There should be 10 movements in a set or 20 for those who are relatively fit.
The mantra for the exercise is up quick, down slow, down quick, up slow.
Rest for a while after each set, and do the next one 1-2 minutes later.
The number of repetitions is high but weight doesn’t need to be heavy
Does everyone remember the part about training exercises in Simple Badminton Training Play better? All you have to do is adjust the number of times the exercise is repeated and speed.
There should be 8 exercises in a set or 12-15 for those who are relatively fit.
The mantra for the exercise is up quick, down slow, down quick, up slow.
When doing each exercise, breathe out when exerting and in when relaxing.
Rest for a while after each set, and do the next one 1-2 minutes later.
1. Shoulder muscles
Manta: up quick, down slow
Stand straight with legs as wide as the shoulders and knees slightly bent, not leaning back or forward.
Tuck in the abdomen, keep the elbow slightly bent, and lift the dumbell to eye height.
2. Arm muscles(1)
Mantra: Up quick, down slow
Stand straight with legs as wide apart as the shoulders, shoulders back and chest out.
With a dumbbell in each hand, lift them in curve to the shoulders.
The body should stay balanced during the exercise and you should not lean back.
3. Arm muscles(2)
Manta: Up quick, down slow
Lift the dumbbell over your head with one hand and support your arm with your other arm like in the picture above.
Lower the dumbbell behind the head, keeping the back straight and the elbow facing forward.
4.Chest muscles
Mantra:Up quick, down slow
Support your body with both arms straight, the same width as the shoulder, with both knees on the floor.
When breathing in lower your torso slowly so that it is parallel to the floor (can lightly touch the floor).
When breathing out push up your torso with back at a fixed angle and head forward.
5.Abdominal muscles
Mantra:Up quick, down slow
Lie flat on back with knees bent to reduce pressure on the spine; when raising your torso avoid swaying from side to side.
Raise up your torso so that only your bottom and feet touch the floor.
( Edit by VICTOR Badminton )