Badminton warm-up and warm-down can be divided into static and dynamic stretching movements; the former can be divided into upper and lower body movements.
Today, we will first introduce lower body static stretching.
The main role played by the lower body in badminton is “quickly moving” the body to the shuttlecock striking position.
This rapid back and forth movement makes heavy use of the lower body’s main muscle groups, the quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstring muscles and calf muscles.
The main lower body muscle groups used in badminton
Lower body static stretches will be introduced in an easy-to-understand way below. The muscle groups should be alternately stretched for 20-30 seconds 3-4 times. Do not stretch to an extent that causes discomfort and be sure to breathe smoothly when stretching!
1. Quadriceps stretch (standing)
Quadriceps stretch: basic movement
Advanced movement (pushing the hip joint forward)
The supporting foot should face forward, not point inside or outside
Keep the hip joint steady, don’t sway about
Players who can do the first stretch with ease can move onto the advanced stretch: lift up the hand that is holding the ankle to stretch the Quadriceps more (see the photograph on the right above)
2. Gluteus maximus stretch (sitting)
Sitting Gluteus maximus stretch (side view)
Sitting Gluteus maximus stretch(front view)
With one foot on the floor both knees should be at a 90 degree angle
Lean forward (keep the back straight)
3. Gluteus maximus stretch (standing)
Standing Gluteus maximus stretch
The supporting foot should point straight forward not inwards or outwards
Pull the knee towards the chest with both hands, keeping the body still.
If you can’t do this movement try doing it with your back against a solid object (such as a wall )to stop you falling over.
4. Hamstrings stretch(standing)
Standing Hamstrings stretch(front view)
Standing Hamstrings stretch(side view)
Part the feet so that they are shoulder width
Move both hands steadily towards the ground without rocking up and down
5. Abductors stretch(standing)
Standing abductors stretch: hands touch floor(front view)
Standing abductors stretch: hands grasp the ankles (side view)
Part the legs to twice shoulder width with toes facing forward
Lean the upper body forward and stretch both hands towards the ground without rocking up and down
If you can’t touch the ground, hold your ankles instead (right photograph above))
6.Calf muscles stretch (sitting)
Sitting bent knee toe-pulling Achilles tendon stretch
Sit on the floor, legs in front of you with knees bent, grab the toes and pull back towards the knees.
Keep balanced, don’t rock back and forth or bend your back.
7. Calf muscles stretch (standing)
Standing calf muscle stretch (back view)
Standing calf muscle stretch (side view)
Stand straight, take a big step back with one leg and straighten it, trying to keep your heel on the ground.
The knees and toes face forward and the knee should not be further forward than the toes.
( Edit by VICTOR Badminton )